QuickPar is a free utility for creating Parity Volumes (PAR version 2.0 and PAR2) using the Reed Solomon algorithm and for verifying and repairing files that are corrupt or disnamed. Creating PAR2 files, it can create split versions of the source files, split into sizes (exact multiples of the block size).
It can be used to verify that a set of files have not been corrupted, or for reconstructing corrupt files, if you have sufficient Parity Volumes to match the missing or corrupt files. QuickPar automatically recognises incomplete versions of files created by yDec that end with "(nnn).tmp".
The user runs the QuickPar exe file and installs it into a folder on the PC.
The first time the application is run, it shows an Options window where the user configures all the settings. The user also sets to open PAR and PAR2 files with QuickPar, either in Windows Explorer or any application. The program appears on the contextual right button menu for creating PAR2 files.
For dual processor CPUs the Default Priority settings should be at Normal. For single processor computers, the best is to set this operation to "Idle".
The user sets the Deletion Files adjusts for establishing if QuickPar must remove corrupt or incomplete files (after a completion of a repair operation), and send them to the Recycle Bin.
In addition, the user may set the Repair and Verification options if these functions are desired to be enabled by default.
The corrupt files will automatically repaired if the "AutoRepair" option is set.
After repairing or verifying the files, the user can create extra PAR2 files by pressing the Extra button. The application displays the dialogue for creating PAR2 files (only showing how many new recovery blocks to be set).
Comments (4)
MultiPar is a compatible replacement that is also free and DOES have a right click context menu. You'll love it.